Page 77 - Untitled-1
P. 77
Spices are used to add flavour, taste and colour to our food. There are different types of spices like-
saffron, cinnamon, cardemom, pepper, turmeric, ginger and garlic. They are grown in Kerela and
Karnataka. India is the chief producer of spices.
Rubber is extracted from the latex of rubber tree. The latex is converted into rubber in the
factories. Then this rubber is used to make tyres, erasers, toys, etc. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and
Kerala are the major areas where rubber plantations are found.
Some of the farmers are also involved in growing various fruits, vegetables, flowers and
ornamental plants. This kind of farming is known as horticulture.
Spices field Rubber plantation Vegetables field Fruits field
Livestock Rearing
Cattle like- cows, buffalos and bullocks are very useful Bullocks ploughing fields
to farmers. They help them in farming methods. The
cows and buffalos give us milk. We make various things
with the milk like- curd, cheese, butter, ghee and ice
cream. Bullocks are used to plough the field. They are
also used to draw out water from the wells. Farmers
also make carts which are pulled by bullocks to carry
the harvested crops to the market for sale.
Quick Fact
India has the largest number of cattle in the world.
The waste of cattle is used as manure and to produce biogas.
Other animals are also useful to us. We get wool from Yaks carrying load in hilly region
sheep and silk from silkworm. We eat eggs from hen and
meat from animals like- goat, hen, fish etc. The skin of
some animals is used to make leather products like-
purses, belts and shoes. Some animals are also used to
carry loads like- elephant, camel, horses, donkeys, etc.
They are known as beasts of burden. Mules and yaks are
used to transport people and goods in the hilly regions.