Page 74 - Untitled-1
P. 74
13 Importance of Agriculture in Indiia
Here you will learn about …
Agriculture Food Crops
Cash Crops Livestock Farming
Let’s Read to Learn...
In this chapter we will read about agriculture.
In India, agriculture is the main occupation
of the farmers. Let's read to know more
about it.
Agriculture is the science or practice of Agricultural field in India
farming, including cultivation of the soil for
the growing of crops and the rearing of
animals to provide food, wool and other
products. It also includes horticulture,
livestock rearing and fishing. This
occupation has helped a major population
of our country. Agriculture is in practice
from early period. At present agriculture is
the most important occupation of the
people of our country.
More than two-thirds of the people of our
country are farmers. They grow different
types of crops to earn their livelihood.
Note for the Teacher
Discuss in the class about the importance of agriculture in India. Also tell them about the other
occupations that are connected with agriculture.