Page 72 - Untitled-1
P. 72
Self Analysis
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. The deciduous forests in tropical areas shed leaves only by _______________.
a) December b) January c) March
2. _______________ are those forests which are characterized by high rainfall.
a) Tidal b) Rainforests c) Mountain
3. India is a very big country and it houses different types of _______________ and
a) forests b) woodlands c) both "a" and "b"
4. _______________ forests are found high up in the Himalayan mountains.
a) Thorn b) Mountain c) Tidal
B. Give two examples for each of the following:
1. Tropical Rainforests : ____________________ ____________________
2. Temperate Deciduous Forests : ____________________ ____________________
3. Moist Deciduous Forests : ____________________ ____________________
4. Dry Deciduous Forests : ____________________ ____________________
5. Mountain Forests : ____________________ ____________________
6. Thorn Forests : ____________________ ____________________
7. Tidal Forests : ____________________ ____________________
C. Short Answer Questions:
1. What is tropical forest?
2. Where are Moist forests found?
3. Where are temperate deciduous forests found?
4. How is the climate of the temperate deciduous forests?
5. What are mountain forests?
6. Where are thorn forests found?
D. Long Answer Questions:
1. What are tidal forests? Explain in detail.
2. Which animals are found in thorn forests?
3. Write a short note on forests.
4. Name the types of forests and write one line for each forest.