Page 75 - Untitled-1
P. 75

As we know that the climate of India is favourable for growing        Wheat field
crops. Soil is also very fertile and there are sufficient irrigation
facilities. Different crops are grown throughout the year. The
main food crops grown in our country include wheat, maize,
rice, millets and pulses. Cash crops grown in the fields are
used for selling purposes in the market like- sugarcane, jute,
oilseeds, cotton, tea, coffee, coconut and spices. The rabi
crops like- wheat and pulses are sown in winters and
harvested in summers. The kharif crops like- rice, maize, jute
and cotton are sown in summers and harvested in winters.

Food Crops

India is an important centre of rice cultivation. Rice is the most important food crop of India

covering about one-fourth of the total cropped

area and providing food to about half of the

Indian population. Rice is grown in places where

the climate is hot and wet. The major rice

producer states are Assam, West Bengal, Tamil

Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab and


After rice, wheat is the most important food crop

of India. It grows well in cool and moist climate. It

is mainly grown in states like- Punjab, Haryana,

Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

Millets are also known as coarse grains. They

include jowar, ragi and bajra. They are also grown

in our country on big grounds in the areas where

rice and wheat cannot be grown. The states in

which millets are grown are Bihar, Rajasthan,

Gujarat, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Pulses

are also important food crops grown in the fields

of our country. Pulses are seeds of plants like-

peas and beans. India is the largest producer

and consumer of pulses in the world.                   Distribution of various food crops in india

 Quick Fact

After China, India is the second largest producer of rice.

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