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Moist Deciduous Forests
The moist deciduous forests are characterized by tall, straight evergreen trees that have a
buttressed trunk or root on three sides like a tripod that helps to keep a tree upright during a
storm. These trees often rise to a great height before they open out like a cauliflower. The more
common trees that are found here are the jackfruit, betel nut palm, jamun, mango and hollock.
The trees in this forest form a tier pattern- shrubs cover the layer closer to the ground, followed by
the short structured trees and then the tall variety.
Dry Deciduous Forests
Dry Deciduous Forests are found throughout the northern part of the country except in the
Northeast. They are also found in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil
Nadu. The canopy of the trees does not normally exceed 25 metres. The principal trees of these
forests are Indian Teak Tree, Sal, Sandalwood, Mahua, Khair, Mango, Jackfruit, Wattle and Arjun,
Semal, Myrobalan and Banyan Tree. Littoral and swamps are scattered throughout the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, as well as the delta areas of Brahmaputra River and River Ganga.
Evergreen forests Deciduous forests
Mountain Forests Fir tree Pine tree
Mountain Forests in India are an integral part of the
country's natural vegetation. They are found high up in
the Himalayan mountains and some mountain ranges of
the Nilgiri Hills. These forests have a wide range of
vegetation including the coniferous trees like- pine,
deodar, spruce and fir. The trees in this region are tall and
cone shaped.
Quick Fact
The pulp of mountain trees is
used to make paper.