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P. 66

Self Analysis

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Metallic minerals are the sources of _______________.

a) ores                        b) metals                            c) both "a" and "b"

2. _______________ is the leading producer of Manganese.

a) Odisha                      b) Karnataka                         c) Mumbai

3. _______________ is the ore which is used in manufacturing of aluminium.

a) Petroleum                   b) Bauxite                           c) Iron

4. _______________ has the largest reserve of iron ore in Asia.

a) Pakistan                    b) India                             c) China

5. Minerals are substances which occur _______________ on the Earth.

a) naturally                   b) artificially                      c) both "a" and "b"

B. Write (T) for true and (F) for false statements: (create boxex)
     1. Irons are useful for making jewelry.
     2. Coppers are solid minerals.
     3. Metallic minerals are the sources of metals.
     4. Bauxite is a mineral used in making copper.
     5. Copper is softer than Zinc but harder than iron.

C. Very Short Answer Questions:
     1. What are minerals?
     2. What is manganese used for?
     3. Name any two metals which are used to make metals.
     4. Name the two types of iron ores.
     5. Where is mica used?
     6. Name a state that is an important producer of iron ore.

D. Short Answer Questions:
     1. Which state is the largest producer of manganese?
     2. What is an ore?
     3. What is mining?
     4. What are metallic minerals?
     5. What are non-metallic minerals?

E. Long Answer Questions:
     1. Where is bauxite found?

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