Page 55 - Untitled-1
P. 55
Self Analysis
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Climate is the weather of a place over a _______________ period.
a) long b) short c) very short
2. The deserts are the regions of _______________ climate.
a) hot b) dry c) both "a" and "b"
3. The summer season starts from the mid of _______________.
a) June b) July c) March
4. _______________ is the coldest month.
a) December b) November c) February
5. _______________ fall in autumn season.
a) Flowers b) Leaves c) Both "a" and "b"
B. Very Short Answer Questions:
1. When does summer season start?
2. When does summer season end?
3. How is the temperature during the summer season?
4. Which are the coldest months of winter season?
5. What does very heavy rainfall bring?
6. Which is the wettest region in the world?
7. How is the climate in the spring season?
8. When does autumn season come?
C. Short Answer Questions:
1. What is weather?
2. What is climate?
3. Which factors affect the climate of a region?
4. Name the various seasons of India.
5. How is the climate in the mountaneous region?
6. What are monsoon winds?
7. What are floods?
8. What is spring season?
9. What is autumn season?