Page 60 - Untitled-1
P. 60
Self Analysis
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Earth's largest water source is the ............
a) Seas b) oceans c) Rain
2. About _______________ percent of the human body is water.
a) 50 b) 70 c) 100
3. _______________ are the natural sources of freshwater.
a) Rivers b) Ponds c) Both "a" and "b"
4. Water is _______________ for everyone.
a) Essential b) not useful c) waste
B. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements:
1. The water present on the Earth gets wasted every time when it rains.
2. The water from the seas on the mountains melts and seeps down into rivers.
3. We should reuse water whenever possible.
4 Life is possible on earth due to the presence of air.
5. The bodies of all plants and animals do not contain water.
C. Very Short Answer Questions:
1. Name any two sources of water.
2. Why do we need water?
3 How much water is present on the earth?
4. Is water present below the surface of the earth?
5. Which is the natural source of water?
D. Short Answer Questions:
1. How are rivers formed?
2. Why do we need to conserve water?
3. Name the non-perennial rivers.
4. How is electricity produced from water?
5. Name the perennial rivers.
E. Long Answer Questions:
1. Write a short note on importance water.
2. What are the various sources of water? Explain.
3. Write a brief not on conserving water.