Page 59 - Untitled-1
P. 59
Quick Fact
Earth’s largest water source is the oceans.
Saving Water
Water is very precious because it is very useful for all of us. As the natural resources are being used
at a high pace, so they are depleting. We need to think of measures to save these resources. Water
is also being polluted by various means like- domestic waste, industrial waste, washing clothes,
bathing animals and many more things. We should avoid these activities so that the water does
not get polluted. If the water gets polluted then we will get dirty water for drinking purposes
which will make us ill. We should save water by minimal usage. We should reuse water whenever
possible. We can also collect rainwater in tanks when it rains and use them later.
Quick What can we do to save water?
Answer ______________________________________________________________
What are the natural sources of water?