Page 52 - Untitled-1
P. 52
9 Weather and Climate
Here you will learn about …
Weather and Climate of India Different Seasons in India
Let’s Read to Learn...
There are many regions in India. Every region
has different weather and climate.
Come and let’s read to learn
more about it.
Weather and Climate of India
Weather describes the condition of the Rainy morning
atmosphere over a short period of time. Sunny afternoon
Weather tells us about the conditions of rain,
wind, sunshine and temperature of a place at a
particular time period. The weather changes
many times within a few hours. Let’s make it
clear with an example. Sometimes, when we
wake up we see outside that the weather is
pleasant. But, by the time we get ready for
school, we see its raining. Later in the day, the
rain stops and it becomes sunny. This is known as
the change in the weather. Climate is the
weather of a place over a long period. For
instance, the climate of Delhi is hot in the
summers and cold in the winters.
Note for the Teacher
Discuss with the students about the difference between weather and climate. Also tell them
about the different seasons that we experience in our country.