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1 India Our Motherland

Here you will learn about …

 India and Its Neighbours                  Political Divisions of India
 Physical Divisions of India

Let’s Read to Learn...

                                                                  Hey, friends!
                                        I hope you have enjoyed learning in the previous classes.

                                           Now, let’s start a new class of learning by reading
                                                        about India our motherland.

India and Its Neighbours                                   Afghanistan

A motherland is a country where a person was born.         Pakistan                                                 China
Our motherland, India is a very beautiful country. It is
very big and covered an area approximately 3,287,590                                                         Nepal          Bhutan
km square. India has a population more than one                                                                            Bangladesh
million people. India has a large area of plains, high                       INDIA
mountains, extensive plateau region, forests, deserts,                                                                                 Myanmar
seas, rivers and islands. It is a country of the Asian
continent. India is located in the southern part of Asia.                                                              Bay
India is the seventh largest country of the world.                                                                  of Bengal


Quick Fact                                                                                                                             Andaman


Takshila, the world's first university                     MMaaldldiivveess                         Sri
was established in India in 700 BC.                                                               Lanka
                                                                             Indian Ocean

Note for the Teacher

Tell your students about India and its features. Ask them questions related to our country based on
the knowledge they have gained in previous classes. Also tell them about the political and physical
divisions of our country.

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