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We have already learnt that India covers a large area of the world. The southern part of India looks
like a cone. It is known as peninsula. It is surrounded by Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of
Bengal on the east. The third largest Indian Ocean is on the south of India.
The northern part of India is covered with high mountain ranges saving our country from high
winds. The coastline of the mainland is about 6100 kilometres long. The total length of the
coastline along with the islands is about 7500 kilometres.
India has many countries along its boundaries. Their names are:
1. Pakistan 2. Afghanistan 3. China 4.Nepal
5. Bhutan 6. Myanmar 7. Bangladesh
Quick Fact
India is the world's largest democracy, with 1.2 billion people.
The name 'India' is derived from the River Indus.