Page 86 - Untitled-1
P. 86
D. Short Answer Questions:
1. What is waterways?
2. What are pipelines?
3. What is airways?
4. What are benefits of air transportation?
5. In which states are metro trains running?
6. What is imported by oceanic waterways?
7. Name any two courier companies which use airways to trasport goods.
8. Name the types of water transport.
10. Name the areas where ports are located.
11. Who implemented NHDP project?
12. Which country has the largest network of railways in the world?
E. Long Answer Questions:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of airways?
2. What do railways transport?
3. Write a short note on transport system of India.
4. How are railways and waterways important for goods transportation?
F u n Ti me
A. Collect pictures of various means of transport and paste them in your scrapbook. Show it in
the class.