Page 62 - Untitled-1
P. 62
11 The Mineral Resources
Here you will learn about …
Ores, Minerals and Metals Minerals in Our Country
Let’s Read to Learn...
India is rich in mineral substances.
These minerals are used to make metals and metal
products. Let’s read more to know about it.
Ores, Minerals and Metals
Minerals make up Earth's rocks, sands and soils. Minerals
They are found on Earth's surface as well as deep
underground. Minerals are inorganic substances,
meaning that they do not come from an animal or
a plant. They are the solid substances which occur
naturally on earth. A rock that contains mineral is
known as an ore. Some minerals are also found at
the bottom of the sea. These minerals which are
found beneath the ground level are dug out
through large deep holes known as mines. This
process of taking out minerals from the mines is
known as mining. Then Metals are extracted from
the minerals. Many objects which we use in our
daily life are made up of metals like- iron,
aluminium, copper, silver and gold. Metals
Note for the Teacher
Tell the students about the importance of minerals and metals. Also tell them about the uses of
minerals and metals in our lives.