Page 33 - Untitled-1
P. 33

Self Analysis

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Climate in the Deccan ranges from _______________ summers to _______________

winters.                       b) mild, cold                c) very hot, hot
a) hot, mild

2. The Deccan Plateau is a large _______________ plateau.

a) rectangular                 b) triangular                c) square

3. The Chota Nagpur Plateau is located in _______________ India.

a) southern                    b) western                   c) eastern

4. The Southern Plateaus are divided into two regions by the _______________ River.

a) Ganga                       b) Narmada                   c) Yamuna

B. Very Short Answer Questions:
     1. Where is Maharashtra?
     2. What is the capital of Chattisgarh?
     3. What is the staple food of Odisha?
     4. What is the capital of Karnataka?
     5. Where is Andhra Pradesh located?
     6. Which two water bodies surround Tamil Nadu?
     7. Name the two regions of Southern Plateau.
     8. Name the largest plateau.

C. Short Answer Questions:
     1. What is Karnataka famous for?
     2. Odisha famous for?
     3. What is Maharashtra famous for?
     4. What surrounds the Deccan Plateau?
     5. What is Madhya Pradesh also known as?
      6. What is the location of Southern Plateau?
     7. Where is the Malwa Plateau located?
     8. Where is the Chota Nagpur Plateau located?
     9. Which languages are spoken in Tamil Nadu?
     10. Write a note on Chattisgarh.
     11. What is the capital and sub-capital of Jharkhand?
     12. Which languages are spoken in Jharkhand?

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