Male Gaze: Plunge Into Our Very Own Minds, Tom Daley

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Picture: FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images

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The 19-year-old scuba diver through the great britain exactly who twisted and switched their muscular physique in only a Speedo took home a bronze medal during the London Olympics — and rabid enthusiasts (us incorporated) from all around the planet. Now, the gorgeous Tom Daley, just who seduced the planet with his

post-dive shower moments

lovable smile,
ripped abs
, effective pre-dive handstands, and all-around gorgeous face, distributed to his enthusiasts nowadays via a difficult
YouTube video clip
which he’s presently in an union with one. “In a great globe, i mightn’t be doing this video, given that it should not make a difference,” the guy prefaces, to share with you, “arrive springtime, this present year, living changed massively once I came across some body plus it helped me feel therefore pleased, therefore secure, and every thing simply feels fantastic. And well, that a person is actually a man. And it performed simply take me by shock a little bit. I am talking about, it had been always at the back of my personal mind that something such as which could occur, nonetheless it wasn’t until springtime this year that some thing merely clicked. It believed correct.” Congratulations, Tom! Fall further under their spell by watching their video below — and, needless to say, by zooming into those important, gratuitous diving pics.

Pic: Clive Rose/Getty Images

Pic: Clive Rose/Getty Images

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